
Looks like a great show at Varnish!

Varnish Fine Art presents SEDITIONS:
Frank Kozik & Winston Smith
Opening Reception Saturday February 2, 6-9pm

Kozik and Smith editions will be released for online sales this Saturday at 6pm.
The seditious editions and original collage in the show are works of “rebellious disorder." Kozik and Smith (with their punk rock bones) repurpose the pop cultural zeitgeist of the 50’s postwar era to create sometimes complex sometimes chillingly simple messages challenging us to look harder at the politics and governments we take for granted.
Frank Kozik's special edition of clear orange resin Gipper/Reagan busts plus the new edition Big Dick's Coffee shown left were created especially for this show.
Among Winston Smith's artwork in SEDITIONS, he's created a totally new series of remark­able col­lage com­po­si­tions from extremely rare vin­tage steel plate engrav­ings from the 1860s, ‘70s, ‘80s and 1890s. These art­works are between 120 to 150 years old. Though Win­ston him­self isn’t quite that old (yet), he has man­aged to res­ur­rect new com­po­si­tions from images that have waited nearly a cen­tury and a half to go under his knife.
Kozik and Smith share the experience of having lived in postwar Europe in the early to mid 70’s, a period of intense upheaval. Kozik’s childhood in Franco Era Spain was full of visually influential authoritarian acts and imagery, evidenced by his use of the propaganda poster format. By contrast Winston Smith’s time in Italy as a teenager was full of class struggle and socio-political turmoil turned to violence that one writer claims “amounted to anarchy.” This state of chaos mixed with a 50’s childhood in a “flyover” state comes into stark relief in his politically tinged collage-montages. Winston Smith's Swarm collage using vintage steel plate engraving material shown right.
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Our huge thanks go to Gigantic Brewing for sponsoring the party! Ratebeer recently named Gigantic Brewing one of the Top Five New Breweries in the WORLD. Gigantic Brewing's Time Traveler Porter has arrived. See the original collage used for the label of this fine beer The Time Traveler by Winston Smith at the show, and get a taste at the SEDITIONS opening reception this Saturday 6-9.
Gigantic Brewing Company
16 Jessie Street, #C120, San Francisco, CA 94105 (415)433-4400

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